Mon Appetit What happens when we decide to refuse any appetite? ...and, above all , refuse “mon appétit”? The day comes when we decide to give up any kind of appetites , resist life’s temptations, relations , friendships , love…food... caused by the effort to meet others’ expectations until we don’t accept our limits. A sense of omnipotence arises, a feeling we can do without everything and everybody. A Story of Resistance and Weight  is a work about obsessions. One of the many ……..ours own and of others.  It originates from an uncontrollable and obsessive hunger for love, fondness, genuine feelings, truth. It arises from the illusion we don’t have any fragilities, that by modifying our body, by controlling our weight we can change all is wrong in our lives, we can restore that blackout which somewhere has spoiled our relations. The body turns into a kind of a theatre , the performance of a fight, an inner battle, and at the same time the body is used as a place where the fight against the other, the family , the society takes form.

Story of a Resistance  The video is a long shot of empty dishes which are offered ….dishes over dishes which gradually overwhelm, as if “to devour”. Dishes, empty of food but full of other people’s obsessions, outer voices wishing to “feed” with our anxieties, frustrations and guilts. We refuse the nourishment offered because that food conceals the risk of making us be like the others. All we have to do is to refuse. To resist. 

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All contents © copyright 2014 Federica Amichetti. All rights reserved

Weight/Thought Obsessed by the body , by one’s own vigour, attraction … every weighing on the scale looks like a  divine verdict. In a society where the body is only reduced to weight  and the existence to quantifiable mass it seems that one’sown self-esteem depends on  the response of a scale. The rule of the perfect size disqualifies the person by turning him/her into a character, a shape. Weight/Think , on the contrary , is a scale devised by myself, functional, bilingual (Italian/English) which plays with this idea of WEIGHT and whose response   however  relates to completely different other weights , the ones of the soul, of the self.

All contents © copyright 2014 Federica Amichetti. All rights reserved