Love and Kisses  Being a woman costs plenty , since ever. From the pyre, bargaining chip, war prize: nowadays society certainly isn’t more violent compared to the past , only have sensibility and attention to the problem been changed . Today we can denounce, we have means and Institutions which may protect them . However it’s not like that where war is going on. And the price paid by those who couldn’t or can’t denounce is visible, tremendous, tragic, in the eyes of those who went or are going through the rest of their own lives aware of being unable to redeem themselves  socially and personally because undergoing was and still is , in many Countries, a shame and normal. Violence breaks and throws our dreams, expectations, ambitions,.…our future upside down. And only chocked half words remain in the heart, in the throat of those who are short of time and don’t know which future they are waiting .

The work Love and Kisses  in fact deals right with  the problem of violence against women during the war. From world wars till nowadays , sexual violence is a war within the war, but  it goes by silently and seems to be as much tacitly accepted as an inevitable consequence.
Once again the woman is not considered as a human being but only goods, a means to humiliate our enemy. By ravishing mothers and daughters, they ravish dignity, identity, one’s own bloodline. Above all, it’s once again the man’s supreme power pose, under each flag , on the woman always object of a violent submission , every time this comes possible. A report of the united nations of 1998 about sexual violence and military conflicts reveals that, historically soldiers considered rapist as rightful spoils of war. And even when the dramatic events occurred to women started to be taken into consideration only with the aim to calculate the damages caused by the occupying troops, point out the violence suffered by the community and not to focus on the very severe physical and psychological injuries suffered by each individual. On the contrary the video tackles the subject with an absolutely intimate approach and, at the same time, almost bitterly sarcastic;  just starting with the title the accent stresses the deep personal, intimate, tragedy  faced with general indifference.

The installation is composed of a main video Love and Kisses and a series of original blank-and-white postcards of the countries thrown into confusion along the years by the second world war up to now through several conflicts which have deeply marked  the history of each, but above all the History of women. From Ciociaria, to Vietnam, from Congo, to Bosnia and Syria … up to Japan.  Other three different videos with the title Identity are part of the work, images of slow and repetitive, every day movements are occasionally stopped sharply with historic film clips of  dances, happiness,…..beaches where the idea of excitement, confusion …thoughtlessness , images far from the inner tragedies told.

Love and kisses  frame da video

All contents © copyright 2014 Federica Amichetti. All rights reserved

Identity  frame da video

All contents © copyright 2014 Federica Amichetti. All rights reserved